Co-Living 共居空間

Enjoy Co-Living!

All of our co-living units are fully furnished. In addition to bed(s) and closet, the following amenities are provided:

In dinning and kitchen areas:
- Complimentary cable TV
- Complimentary Wi-Fi connection
- Hitachi air conditioner (with heater and dehumidifier)
- BenQ 43" LCD TV
- Panasonic refrigerator
- Panasonic microwave
- 2 Induction cooktops
- Dish dryer

In each of the 3 bedrooms:
- Single or twin beds to choose from
- Private showers and bathrooms
- Individual air-conditioning
- Bathroom exhaust fan with heater

At balcony area, token-operated washer and dryer are provided. 


「共居」一詞這幾年開始在台北租屋圈中流傳,其實,”共居” 模式在國外已行之有年,如丹麥的共居社區、日本的共屋,鄰近台灣的香港近年亦有共居住宅興起,我們提供一個此樓房空間,讓不同背景、互不熟識的人,共居、共聚、共享生活樂趣,來自不同生活文化背景,藉由一同分享公共空間、交流活動,進而凝聚彼此感情,享受「家」的溫暖。

MIYAMA HOME 共居空間內有客餐廳及廚房,並配有43吋電視、第四臺、Wi-Fi、變頻冷暖空調、 冰箱、微波爐、電磁爐、烘碗機、淨水器。大陽台設有晾衣區及投幣式洗衣機及烘衣機。

